
Zombie think

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Hungry. Need meat. Need food. Must hunt, must look, must find, must kill. Hungry. Start walking. Keep looking. Inside. Walls. Can't go through. Meat-things can't go through. Must find the meat-things. Sound. Loud. Scream. Not hungry-thing, meat-thing. Food. Follow scream, follow food. Loud noise. Not scream. Bang. Walking. Find meat-thing. Can't go through wall. Must go through open. Louder screams, louder noises. other Hungry-things. Looking for the food. Looking for the meat. Loud noise. Silence now. No more scream. No more meat-thing. Turn round wall opening. Outside. Dead meat-thing on ground. Hungry-things already eating, allready have meat.

Our subject is what one would refer to as an undead, a zombie. There has been an infestation in every nation, in every city, in every town. The dead have arisen and started walking. Cannibalism seems to be the zombies only motivation. Our subject has just exited an old abandoned building and is stumbling over to the cooling body of a now dead human. Other zombies are already starting to feed on it. The small 41 mag. did little to help her avoid this fate.

Meat. Meat-thing, gone, only meat now, only the food. Hungry. Eat meat, eat food. Kicked something. Small, hard. Not meat, not tasty. Small, picked up. Something hard, something cold. Familiar. Hungry. Smells fire. Must Find more meat.

over come the women lies dead on the ground, now nothing more then food for the walking dead. The 41 mag. did little to help her aside from take one of her attackers out. Now it is in the hands of our subject, three bullets still loaded. In a situation like this isn't easy to become trapped and overcome. Now she is food for the creatures to satisfy their hunger for only a fading moment. Our subject continues to Find more.

Walking, hungry. Bright light above. Getting brighter, warmer. Round bright thing. Memory: The sun in the sky lights up the world and warms it so life can exist on this planet. See better, see no meat. Only Hungry-things. No, hungry thins on corner of street eating. Hunched over dead meat-thing. Food. Walk over, get food. large dead meat-thing. Fat, lots of meat. Bend down to grab meat from hand. Not like me, fresh meat-hand. Edible meat-hand. Thing still held on to from other meat-thing. Look at. Dark and hard. Strong tough. No meat. Part moves, squeezable. Squeeze thing.

apparently our subject still carries the gun from his last victim. Having forgotten about it till now, the subject is overcome with curiosity. A primitive inspection of the gun is in order, but what can one with no higher brain function possibly do? Up squeezing the gun's handle, the trigger is pulled and a shot fired. The subject's right ear is torn off by the racing bullet. The other zombies are startled and stop to look at the loud sound. Most likely conecting the sound with food.

Loud sound again. Something moving fast. Something missing from head. Thing make loud sound. Thing make loud sound....

at this time a shout rings out through the waisted streets. A poor of three living souls has heard the bang and mistaken it for a gunshot from another survivor have yelled out a greeting. Whole up in the coffee shop not fifty feet from our subject and the two feeding dead. Having decided to give up the secrecy of their hideout is a life and death choice at times.

Shouts. Meat-thing not far. Food not far. Other Hungry-things hear too. hear something else too. Weird ringing from right. Turn and look. Nothing but other Hungry-things, heading towards noise. All hungry, all want meat. Start going too, Find meat-things. Eat meat things. Feed. Sound come from large walled thing. Can;t go through walls. Large walled thing.... Memory: building, a created shelter consisting of 4 walls, 1 roof. Usually with windows and a door or two to allow entrance and exit... Inside. Meat-things inside. Need get inside to eat. Wholes. Wholes in walls. Can get through. Reach through. Grab meat-things. Eat meat-things. Hungry. Other Hungry things already gathered, crowded, pushing. At wholes, reaching in. Wall parts in way. More loud sounds. More pops in other -hungry-things. Bangs, explosions, dead Hungry-things. Loud sounds.... Shouts from Meat-things. Must get in, must eat. Walk round building. Find whole in wall.

The survivors inside have realized their mistake. Now surrounded by a dozen or so zombies they fight with the two rifles they have. Ammo is an essential resource in situations like this. undead arms reach in through windows, fighting to get in. Luckily the doors and windows had been barricaded. But, no one though of the back door...

Moving, Hungry things all grouped, all pushing at front. Find other holes in wall. Find other way in. In to meat. Quite here. Not as many hungry-thing sounds. Not as loud bangs and shouts. Moving. Garbage, junk all around. No meat. Two other Hungry-things here. Trying to get in. Door. Hungry. Door in wall. Closed. Not open. Can;t go through not opened door. Hungry-things pushing, claw at door. Not open. Large, hard door. Strong. Not open to pushing hungry-things. Door. Shiny. Shiny round small thing on door. Shiny thing. Shiiiinyyy Memory: Doors are opened and closed in  a swinging motion. Usually they will open on their one, or through the turn of a doorknob. Doorknob. Shiny doorknob. Turn Doorknob. Use hand and turn. Other hand, still holding bang thing in that hand. Take hand, turn doorknob.

Our subject has walked around to the back of the store and has found two other zombies, as well as the backdoor into the kitchen. The two zombies have been clawing at it, hitting at it but have not been able to open or break it down. They stop for a moment when our subject come around, looking to see if he is edible or like them. Gun still in hand our subject steps up and looks the door over, seeming to have some form of nostalgia. He goes to put a hand on the knob, needing to switch hands after remembering, or realizing again for the first time, that the gun is held in that hand. With one hand on he shakes it, before twisting hand and knob together. Too bad the survivors had neither though to barricade or lock the back door.

Doorknob turns. Twists. Hungry. Click sound. Door moves, opens. Opening in wall. Get in now. Get in to meet, to eat. Enter. Other Hungry-things go in too. Go to Find the meat-things, Find the food. Inside. Dark, little light. pointy things, metal things. Go around, to other opening. Hungry-things push past to go to meat-things quickly. Still bangs, still shouts. Hungry-thing noises, outside. Others still at front pushing to get in. Other from behind, coming in through door. Enter large room. Three meat0things here. Two long haired, one hard, tough meat. Pushing at the. Bangs, bangs. Loud sounds. Two Hungry-things fall. More coming from behind, more pushing to get meat. Swarm, push at them. Cause meat-things to run. One falls. Hungry-things grab at, tear at meat-thing. Get the meat. Other two running. Going up, into dark area. Follow. Hungry. Screams from fallen meat-thing. Eating begins. Up, follow running two. Followed by hungry things. New room, more doors. Push, swarm fight at doors. Hungry-things scratch, push at closed door. Soft sounds from behind it. Not shouts, not screams. Meat-thing sounds thought, quite. Memory:  sadness causes one to cry, a wet, low sobbing sound. Crying person is unhappy. scared.

After the zombies found away into the coffee, shop, hurrying past the kitchen showing no interest in the non-edible cooking utensils they swarmed into the common sitting area. There, the survivors, a young man with a shotgun and two young girls, one shakily holding a small handgun, made an attempt to shoot the threat before them. Having been able to successful shot and killed the two zombies that had initially entered with our subject, they were quickly overcome by the additional zombies who had found the new entrance quickly, before being able to take out our subject. The male of the group was quickly dropped and started being fed upon even before dying. Now our subject has followed the two young women upstairs into the living area of the former owners home. It seems they have successfully locked themselves up in a room, where the relentless undead are once again, scratching at their door.

No good. No door open with pushing. Hungry-things too swarmed to get to doorknob. No get in that way. Look other door again. Just like before. Hungry. Find door, Find entrance to Meat-things. Wonder though open door. New room. No meat-things here. No food. Door. Door in wall. Closed. Closed door. Crying meat-thing sounds coming from other side. Open door. Get through door. To meat-things. To food. Other Hungry-things entering room. Watching turn nob. Hungry. Nob turns, click sound. Door opens. Entrance to meat-things. Door opens. Meat-things scream. Two meat-things. Something in hand of one. Like loud-thing in my hand. Pointed. Pointed at chest. Bang. Loud sound. Bright flash. Been hit. Hit hard. Move back little. loud-thing sill pointed. Smoke. Loud-thing...Memory: Gun, projectile weapon. Kills. Lift hand. Point loud thing. Squeeze loud thing. Another bang. More smoke, more flash. Meat-thing hit. Lurches and falls. Meat-thing dead. Gun kill meat-thing. Other one cry, scream, panic. Say things. Not want to be eaten. Not want to be dead. Hungry-things on it. Tear, shred, bite, eat. Always hungry, always need meat. More meat. More food...
Errrr arrrg

What goes throught e minid of a zombie
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